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​My name is Delia and I became a photographer at the age of 19 which is over half my lifetime ago. Entering this profession happened to me by chance but has led to the most amazing experiences. I started out in a portrait studio in my small home town in the middle of Germany. It wasn't the most glamorous of destinations but it taught me some crucial things. The basics of photography and most importantly that everybody is beautiful and you can show it in photographs.

My next stop was Hamburg Germany – the big city in the eyes of a girl who grew up in the country side. I loved every minute in this wonderful place! My knowledge of photography widened and I was able to enter the world of big advertising and fashion photo productions. It gave me the chance to travel the world and have surreal experiences like looking behind the scenes at my favourite football club, standing on a Norwegian glacier on a Husky sledge or seeing the sun rise in the Namibian desert.


Hamburg is also the place where I met a charming Englishman who is now my husband who I decided to follow to the UK in my early thirties.


I worked in London gaining more experience in fashion photography which was yet another great milestone for me. But something felt out of alignment. There were too many changes at once in my life and it took a toll on my mental health. A depression crept in and once I realized that I knew I had to take steps to getting better and my happy self again. One of those steps was to leave London for the seaside in Bournemouth to be with my charming Englishman. At the time this move felt like a huge step backwards for my career. But little did I know that I would become the most creative and happy I had ever been.


In 2017 my daughter Alice entered my life and rearranged things for me big time! Was I tired, exhausted, questioning my parenting skills and could you have found me crying on the kitchen floor at times? Absolutely! But did this girl bring out all the love in me? Yes…and more!

Alice and in fact all the small children I have met have taught me that our default state is joy. No matter the tantrum that's where they always return to. They showed me that creativity and imagination are innate and we sometimes forget that growing up. And that our time here is precious!

So when it came to my next photographic venture -Imagine Wonderlands- I decided to go for joy, creativity and imagination. To create memories and to humbly try to capture some of that childhood magic.


Whether I will be able to take pictures of your child one day or you're just curious about our photos I hope the Imagine Wonderlands pictures will spread a bit of joy and make you smile!


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