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Imagine Wonderlands started as a personal photography project to create memories for my daughter Alice and me. This girl is so full of imagination and sees the wonder in everything. I felt I had to use my talents to capture some of this childhood magic.


Asking myself “Wouldn't it be wonderful if I could make her phantasy reality? What if she could be a cloud in the sky or sit on the moon surrounded by stars?” the idea of Imagine Wonderlands was born.


It started very small in our dining room. With two mornings of childcare and a little time to work I began to sew, paint, build and create photography sets with themes that would excite Alice and photographed her in them. And we both enjoy it very much.

The sets often take weeks to create. Once a rough idea has formed into an image in my head I draw some sketches of how I would like the final picture to look like.

Then I think of how to bring all the individual elements to life. How can things be built, what materials can I use etc.


For the underwater world for example every jelly fish and coral was made from paper maché. Or for the sweets set I made a sugar necklace from a pool noodle, turned a yoga mat into a liquorice seat and hand painted and wrapped every bit of giant candy.

I do sometimes wonder myself how I got some of it done and why I would put in so much love and effort. But my aim is to have a really special photo shoot. A little world that children can experience, interact in, that is fun and makes their eyes sparkle. Seeing children's reaction to a new Wonderland is just amazing and worth every minute of my time!


We have a lot of the images as large prints in our house. Looking at little cloud Alice with her face of pure joy makes me happy every day. I am grateful to be able to create those memories for Alice, our family and myself. And I feel these are the most important pictures I have ever taken. Let me do the same for you!

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